Monday, 5 August 2013

1 Poem by Margery Parsons


On rocks and walls of canyons
carved birds
with delicate feathers,
graceful antelopes,
fish, flowers,
suns with spiraling rays,
human figures:
a hunter, a line of dancers,
a flute player
on his back
kicking his legs for joy.

On every available surface
carved or painted
waving, reaching,
high-fiving the universe.

I come to this place
at the cusp of a great beginning
or a great dark,
camera, palette, poems,
artist to artists,
a world worthy of the beauty in us,
touch hands,
hear hearts leaping
in the rock.


Margery Parsons is a poet and activist. She has been writing poetry since she was a child. She currently lives in Chicago and works in the arts. She has published in print and online, most recently in the Rag Blog. She has read her poetry at the Green Mill in Chicago and at other venues. She is also a music lover and film buff.

1 comment:

  1. I have one of her personal poems, read at my 90th birthday, and treasure her giving spirit.
    Evelyn Gant
