Headless Hunter
To best give tongue requires your getting ahead of the rest of the pack. – Lord Glost
his boots as brown as oak-bark
his jodhpurs soft
white as morning mist
his gold buttons stamped
with flowery fs-for-fox
his scarlet cutaway coat
flows & drips over
his flesh & bones
his black top-hat’s
swirling nap gleams
like moisture
on a dog’s nose
his fists clenched
his veins raised
his fingernails
his severed neck
bandaged tightly
with a white cravat
pinned with a silvery
thread of brains
Darkened Room
there’s nothing alive in here except you
although a clock calls to its mate
on the other side of time and reminds
you of the rhythms of the living
barefoot you edge forward
expecting a toe to be smashed
stamped on by some ox of an armchair
you try to stare through the room’s
opaque black air
but there’s only bloody beast-shapes & odd
sharp swirls of imagined light grate
across your retinas
somewhere there will be a door
and of course corners
where space like different seas merges
in this dark the dead-ends of corners seem
to go further than open doors
perhaps traces of hope linger in the right-angles
there is a new smell coming from deep within you
a standing lamp clatters against your neck
its flex wrapped round your ankle is reptile
you’ve left your hands crawling on a wall
the lamp that could shrink this room to a lit finite
with a hot thought in its head
is a dark figure more human than your self
Mark Goodwin is a poet-sound-artist & fiction-maker who speaks and writes in various ways. He has a number of books & chapbooks with various English poetry houses, including: Leafe Press, Longbarrow Press, Nine Arches Press, Shearsman Books, & also Middle Creek in North America. His latest chapbook – to 'B' nor as 'tree' – was recently published in Sheffield by intergraphia ( @intergraphiabks ). Mark lives with his partner on a narrowboat just north of Leicester, in the English Midlands. He toots poems from @kramawoodgin@zirk.us, tweets poems from @kramawoodgin, and some of his sound-enhanced poetry is here: https://markgoodwin-poet-sound-artist.bandcamp.com
my books Erodes On Air . https://www.middlecreekpublishing.com/ Lake-Skin As Eye . https://www.poetrybooks.co.uk/erodes-on-air products/lake-skin-as-eye-by- mark-goodwin
Rock as Gloss . https://markgoodwinrockasgloss. wordpress.com
Else . Back of A Vast . Layers of Un . House At Out . All Space Away and In .
https://www.shearsman.com/store/Goodwin-Mark-c28271739 Steps . http://markgoodwinsteps.wordpress.com/
Portland : a Triptych, with Tim Allen & Norman Jope . https://www.knivesforksandspoonspress.co. Distance a Sudden . http://longbarrowpress.com/uk/product-page/portland-a- triptych-by-tim-allen-norman- jope-mark-goodwin current-publications/mark- Tones Fled All . http://www.leafepress.com/goodwin/ catalog/goodwin/tones.html Shod . http://fiveleavespublications.blogspot.co.uk/2011/06/there- Clause in A Noise . https://issuu.com/alecnewman/is-no-doubt-that-that-shod-by. html docs/clause_in_a_noise_by_ my poetry on Twitter: @kramawoodgin https://twitter.com/mark_goodwin kramawoodgin my sound-enhanced poetry https://markgoodwin-poet-sound-artist.bandcamp.com/
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