Friday 5 May 2023

3 Poems by Ross Jackson

picnic of green papaya salad

picnic of green papaya salad
sunlight juices lime
from chartreuse euphorbia

when it begins to drizzle
unpegged from the line

always shrinking though daily growing
it’s what we’ve sown, what we’ve tended but left to seed---
gardens of our pasts

Mindful with dazzle

walking by the coves while
taking in the lake
hot so early, though with a little breeze
where surface tinfoil flashes
my eyes as if touched by fire

these pixelations of sunlight
incessantly shifting
in accord with each viewing point
silver stretching out
from far shore almost to my toes

a shimmer disappears
breaking into glitter somewhere else
in moments like these
no need to think
just shut my eyes

Story told by flotsam, 2021

during our early morning river walk
sourness uncorked
from what possibly was
a last bottle of champagne

left inside---
a screw of coffee stained
paper serviette
property of The Jetty Restaurant

maybe last testament
to another Covid victim
a column of ‘assets’
dollar numbers heavily scored

seemed unlikely would add up to much


Ross Jackson lives in Perth. He has had work in many Australian literary journals (Westerly, Cordite Poetry Journal, Rabbit Poetry, Eureka Street, Gargouille, The Australian Poetry Journal Members Anthology) and some of his poems have appeared in New Zealand, Ireland, and the UK.


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