Monday 11 March 2013

2 Poems by Kristin Roedell

Few things are quiet

as night snow:
there is the uninvited
past, sharp and 
certain as geometry
when geese fly;
there is age coming in slow
on a stinging tide;
there is sleep spinning
thin as blown glass.

All things snow remain
silent here;  cars slip
inaudibly to the shoulder,
children doze, bedded
in the back seat
like sled dogs.

Down at the lake,
power went out
days ago; behind curtains
candles are lit, flashlights
doubling in the downstairs
mirror. Belly to back,

your damp breath
lies on my feathered
nape; like night snow,
you fall everywhere,
mute, ubiquitous.
Few things are quiet
as your still regard.

What Jung Would Say

My knees always ache before a storm;
last night a barbed November wind
turned the madrona to the north,
branches bent horizontal
in a stiff Quaker’s broom.
Drowned birds clung
to the sagging phone lines.

This morning the dog killed a crow
flapping on the frosted steps,
its left eye socket empty.
I built a fire in a rusted barrel
and burned it; it was small
without the thirst for flight.
I thought this means
something, in the way that
dreams speak in pictures;
a key means come in,
and a shoe means go out.

I thought
if a fire with wings means
death is a ladder,
and a one eyed crow
means love is one sided,
this winter means endless.

Still, the key beneath a stone, 
the shoes behind my door
wait. There will come
the sound of ice cracking
in the birdbath.
The first black bird on the wire means

the soot of ravens will fly.


Kristin Roedell graduated from Whitman College (B.A. English 1984) and the University of Washington Law School (J.D. 1987). Her poetry has been published in over fifty journals and books including Switched on Gutenberg, Ginosko, JAMA, Damselflypress, Frost Writing, Tacoma City Arts, and Voice Catcher Anthology. She is the author of three chapbooks: Seeing in the Dark (2009, Tomato Can Press), Girls with Gardenias (2012, Flutter Press), and Night Circus (2013, Legal Studies Forum). She has been nominated for Best of the Web and the Pushcart Prize. Her website is at

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