Friday 5 May 2017

1 Poem by David Rodriguez

Should the Inevitable Happen

Our city supposedly has x
pick your newest estimate
years left till the floodwall

drops like a Higgins boat
bow ramp. We don’t care,
and why should we? God

gave a noodle to us, a great
noodle, but come on. As
if we could stop or want

to epochal mania. Let the
drownings come. Not a
stiver of resistance from

me. Make it exciting. Get
tetanus. Get rabies. Remove
a smoke alarm battery. Open

your eyes in hot tub water.
Hold it in as long as you
can. If you explode, come

study my final days. Watch
me drop pennies on a street-
car track and fill my house

with quicksand pits. These
are things I have to do, we
all have to do, we all need.

There’s no reason not to put
snakes in public toilets or
plan for April Fool’s Day. I

want the biggest end possible.
I’m 2 checks short of buying
a laser hot enough to leave my

silhouette on the stair wall,
which, I guess, means I want
a legacy. And there it is:

the human spirit, whatever
it means, still wants silence
to be respectful, lest it die.


David Rodriguez is a writer and teacher based in New Orleans with an MFA from Florida State University. He has previously been published in the New Orleans Review, The Southeast Review, The Literateur, and The Double Dealer Redux, among other places.

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