Wednesday 5 May 2021

1 poem by Heidi


when this is over
i am fleeing
when this is over
i am swimming, flying, running, soaring
to you.
when this is over
i will breathe with you
sighing and finding places in you
you have craved.
when this is over
 your quiet hands
will be like the rain again
on my face
in the early morning
bringing me to life.
when this is over
the world will not be the same
the oceans will be cleaner
and the skies will be bluer
hands will hold hands
and we will run into the arms
of those we have longed for
and feel the sweet pulse of kisses
on our tongues.
when this is over
we will not return to the way things used to be
for we have grieved
and shouted and screamed
in our homes
at the tops of mountains
when this is over
it is stunning to think of the moment
when this is over.


Heidi is a classically trained violinist, having played the violin most of her life. In her writing, music is almost always present, in the words she uses, in the themes she describes, and in the essential fabric that underlies all her prose and poetry. Her publications include: Her most recent novel, The Four Seasons, published and released by Sapphire Books on 1 July 2018. One of her memoir pieces, "The Wild Horse," published by Shanti Arts, Still Point Arts Quarterly, Spring 2018. A short story entitled "The Garden", published by Shanti Arts, Still Point Arts Quarterly, Spring 2019. Another short non-fiction piece, "Taking Your Time", published in the August 2018 edition of The Sun Magazine. Honorable Mention: her novel, When Paris Was Her Lover, 2019 Landmark Prize for Fiction, Homebound Publications. She has a huge reader base, and a strong social media profile.

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