Monday 28 January 2013

2 Poems by Wanda Morrow Clevenger

every word

it is in the span
of uncensored
long together
long drive home
from lobster and
tall mango drink
that fixes mete
of every word
I ever wanted
to say

outside bird

if time physically stood
still then is at 6:50 AM
in the hum of electric fan
stir of heady bud;
bed covers world buoyant
with dim dawn with
a bird outside trilling 


Wanda Morrow Clevenger is the author of This Same Small Town in Each of Us (Edgar & Lenore's Publishing House; 2011). Her published work of 181 pieces appear in 66 print and electronic publications. A collection of poetry is tentatively scheduled for release in late 2013 or early 2014. For access to her blog It's All Just Telling Tales Out of School, visit: