Sunday 5 November 2017

4 Tanka and 1 Poem by Sergio A. Ortiz

Four Tanka

comes with a price…
the world caves in on itself,
yet at the river's edge
a heron lifts in flight

nothing to be afraid of
even when the night changes —
coming and going, I climb
the ruins of my life

through winter
she knew she didn't fit...
a doll's life trapped
inside a young man’s body

there's nothing here
but speech, words we fill
the dark with—
hoping for a rescue party
knotted in the lines

You were Born in Winter 

you brought
the murmur of a memory
and little feet
as small as a snowflake
in January

how will life be
when it unfolds in your hands,
a fish squirming
to return to water,
or a ship ready to sail?


Sergio A. Ortiz is the founding editor of Undertow Tanka Review. He is a two time Pushcart nominee, a four time Best of the Web nominee, and a 2016 Best of the Net nominee. His poems have been published in hundreds Journals and Anthologies. He is currently working on his first full length collection of poems, Elephant Graveyard .

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