Monday 5 November 2018

2 Poems by Jenny Lu


strangers across the poker table

i see you

royal flush in your hand

i know it.

you see me

behind my array of cards

undressing me in your head

undoing my mask

and I’ve got you

encapsulated in my smile

that smile

the seductive one,

curve of my lips.

but there are no aces up my sleeve

there are no secrets

you were just a fool

and when you look down again


in place of the king:

a joker.

S.S. Evergreens

Sea captains, us two, the boat at our will

Through crashing waves, we steer out of the storm

To moonlight, I swear I will love you still.

When great whites leap, with water the bow fills

Panicked, wet backs against the wind-storm

Sea captains, us two, the boat at our will.

Hold tight, vow safety, to the end I love ’til

Isles afar, red zones, no matter, inform:

To moonlight, I swear I will love you still.

The heavens crack fire, sky looking to kill

But meet our maker, I cannot conform

Sea captains, us two, the boat at our will.

You, panacea, in this temper, my pill

Ice oceans rage, rage, yet you- ever warm

To moonlight, I swear I will love you still.

And I face the night to see white milk spilled

in tides, wishing goodnight, again affirm:

Sea captains, us two, the boat at our will

To moonlight, I swear I will love you still.

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