Wednesday 5 February 2014

1 Poem by Emonde Prosper


You watched me sell my pride to anyone who would buy it.
This fight is only for the strong and careless.
We are not meant to be sterile. There is something healthy about this mess.
When you aren't around, I'm uninspired. My poetry goes to rest
If you treat it like a disease you will always seek a cure for our side effects.
Today I tasted the salt of your soul and wondered what made you so hypertensive at best.
Who are you without your complex?
Who the hell am I without my perplex?
Even as a coward, you maintain powerful intellect.
The world is your oyster and you don’t even own a pearl necklace?
I watched you with eyes blinking to my sunsets.
We are a defiant merger of sorts.
Human capital with commodities competing at a loss.
Who knew a cut is the same thing as the incisions it aborts?
Our connection isn't cerebral. This is a colonizing spiritual contort.
Is this why the institution of marriage is less about love and more about courts?
I don't want this anymore than tricks want magicians to support.
You make this hard even when reason is impotent.
I tore away your body to get to your naked soul.
It is the same reason we pick a flower and put it to our nose.
Spiritual instinct I suppose.
This era is the oasis where all inhibition grows.
It is a glorious day when men smell the burning of their own throne.
My child, there are many ways to love. Just ask your foes.
There is more that protects the hearts from bleeding out onto sleeves.
I have never prayed like this; just ask my knees.
It cannot be helped; emotions grow like weeds.
This fight is only for the strong and careless.
Oh he loved me not, he loved me best.
Unrequited love is always the type of fight that pride never forgets.


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