Wednesday 5 February 2014

3 Poems by Rhonda Denise Johnson

Go Figure

Her life was a thousand piece jigsaw puzzle
And she dumped it all at his feet
"Put it all together
Because you're the expert;
Because you're happy;
Because you've got life all figured out.
You've got fifteen minutes"

Respect Must Be Earned
"Jump, Girl! Jump!" They held
The biscuit over my head
I just walked away


There's a poem in me somewhere
There's got to be
How could I ride a cresting wave
And exhaust my ability to express
I am waiting for the sneeze
Nose poised in titillation
Its coming is a tease
I am waiting for the image
The sound of this pain
The sight of this love
The smell of last night
The taste of tomorrow
The touch of your lips on mine
I am waiting for the poem
That will tell me I am alive
Whatever else I may think
I am alive


Rhonda Denise Johnson writes with passion, thinking and feeling with her characters. Her readers invariably remark on how she is able to express these thoughts and feelings in a way that turns the printed page into a canvas and her words into a paintbrush. She is now working on her third book (second novel), tentatively titled Where in the Whirl, a sequel to her first novel, The Crossroads of Time.  For more information about The Crossroads of time and her first book, Speaking for the Child: An Autobiography and a Challenge, please visit

Ms. Johnson has an MA degree in English (literature emphasis) from California State University, Los Angeles, where she taught basic writing to undergraduates in the Teaching Associate program. She is winner of the Henri Coulette Memorial Poetry Award, a university based award of the Academy of American Poets.

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