So much
Depends on
A concealed inward event of no thought,
When an externalization defies the usual representation and
As when a wind uplifts a rose feather of a Roseate Spoonbill
And turns
A colorless segment of unknown wind
Into an intimate opaque rose space that emanates love.

Screen sags, lacks
The tightness. The inept worker
Neglected the stretch demanded in his textbook.
His sloppiness thrills.
The screen looseness quivers, sends out a luminous silver,
Seen through a sliver of silver an emerald thin speckled snake,
Silvered spiral shaped in front of silvered frangi-pangi flowers.
Hoots, insults, miscellaneous imprecations
Came from those who stood on the river banks.
The cause of the commotion, that caused the “I-theys,”
To neglect their backyard barbeque,
Let their burgers burn to ashes was my raft,
Made from the side of a fallen barn on a foreclosed farm.
The hooters, these slave-mentalities, called my raft,
“An eyesore on their river,” their river of expensive speed boats.
My dog was not disturbed. Her attention was elsewhere.
She was fully occupied with her reading of Franz Kafka.
Duane Locke lives in Tampa, Florida near anhingas, gallinules, raccoons, alligators, etc. He has published 6,766 poems, includes 31 books of poems. His two latest book publications. 2012, Are DUANE LOCKE, THE FIRST DECADE, 1968-1978, BITTER OLEANDER PRESS. This book is a republication of his first eleven books, contains 333 pages. Order from, or Amazon; and TERRESTRIAL ILLUMINATIONS, FIRST SELECTION, 40 pages, from Fowlpox Press.
He is also a photographer of Surphotos and Nature. Has had 417 Surphotos published in e zines and many were used for magazine and book covers. A book of 40 of his Surphotos has been published by Blaze box—POETIC IMPRINTS, RESPONSES TO THE ART OF DUANE LOCKE. Some of his nature photos are recently in the e zine TRUCK, selected by Alan Britt, 5 of his surphotos. With poems by Felino Soraino are in booklet OF Zoos, Singapore. [for more information on Duane Locke, search Google by clicking on Duane Locke, or Duane Locke, books, or Duane Locke, arts—circa 2 million entries.] <>
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