The Artist Statement
Fresh. Romantic. Uplifting.
Those are only three of the many ways my paintings have been described. It’s this that I strive to have my art work embody…. a feeling or story that someone cherishes in their own part of this life. A dear relationship with a loved one, a dream, or even a memory.
But how to do I describe my paintings? A creative journey. A small snap shot into my personal expedition. But through this, I want viewers to create their own stories and journeys. To ponder what each piece brings to them on a personal level.
My fiber works; however, speak a different language. That of sustainability. Smarter living and art practices. Using second-hand or found materials can prove difficult for painting, so I began to experiment with found objects, vintage/second-hand fibers and the art of assemblage for my sculpture. Three words to describe my sculpture?
Reduce. Reuse. Recycle.
As I employ many sustainable living practices in my home, adopting a sustainable art practice, such as fiber sculpture, was very exciting and full-filling to me.
And though I am a multi-disciplinary artist, I feel each body of work, my paintings and sculpture, both compliment each other very well.
Ginger Cochran is a contemporary, mixed media abstract artist living in Dallas, Texas, with her husband and two sons. Ginger is entirely self-taught; focusing in abstract expressionism painting and fiber soft sculpture.
Her inspiration for her paintings is derived from both music and nature. Ginger develops custom color palettes and explores different textures and colors to create whimsical and romantic pieces. She places striking applications of pastel, marker or other medium and pops of color to demonstrate dramatic movement. Each work effectively draws the viewer in to create their own story through design. Inspiration also emerges simply from the medium itself; evolving from one application to the next. Her style depicts the merging of bold colors, textures and strong, forceful applications of medium. Exemplified throughout her work is the recurring theme of movement, color and textures delivered by mixed media, as well as an effective use of negative space, line work and pattern.
Her soft fiber sculpture is inspired by the Earth as well as the fibers themselves. Ginger is always on the hunt for vintage fibers, ropes, found objects and more to include in her sculpture hangings.
Her work effectively compliments many interior design styles, from modern, contemporary to eclectic. Each piece can either act as a focal point/conversation piece or an accent to the design. Eager to please, Ginger works closely with clients on commissions to create one-of-a-kind works to be enjoyed by families for generations to come.
Ginger has displayed her work nationally in Dallas, Houston, New York City, as well as Las Vegas. She has also worked closely with fellow artists on collaborations and as director/curator for various shows and competitions throughout the country.
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