Sunday 5 May 2024

1 Poem by Scott Davidson

Inventing the World

If it’s nothing, something, if we’re not
sure what to see as a threat, if boots,
wheelbarrows, bags of soil, the worst
we’ve done, the best we’ve imagined,
if every next step is a crapshoot

we have what we need to stay tethered –
trees, gardens, clean gutters – even on days
when the world itself needs reinvention,
depending on who was here before us
how light we are on the earth.


Scott Davidson grew up in Montana, worked for the Montana Arts Council as a Poet in the Schools, and – after most of two decades in Seattle – lives with his wife in Missoula. His poems have appeared in Southwest Review, Hotel Amerika,, Bright Bones: Contemporary Montana Writing, and the Permanent Press anthology Crossing the River: Poets of the Western United States.

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