Sunday 5 May 2024

1 Poem by Tom Ball

Matthew, the Theologian

Matt stepped up to bat
And told the people of the new God, one among many laudables
And claimed this God turned the tables on the rest
Matt pointed out that his God was the smartest and best
And said soon it will be monotheism, like ancient times at our behest
But I told him, there were new Gods created everyday
And any one of them could hold sway
For a few days
And AI
Was up in the sky
Many Gods were androids
And one could not avoid them
They stepped into the void though and gave people something to think about
And it was in every case their plan to rout
The opposition
They jockeyed for position
And all wanted more followers
And with them came more dollars
All Gods were rich
And the people worshipped them
But flipped them for others quite often
It was dog-eat-dog
And the Gods went whole hog
Despite the foggy milieu
It looked like one day everyone would be one of the Gods
And be veritable lightning rods for power
But like the Gods of Greece
They would not cease
To metamorphose themselves
And pose as evolutionary progressives
They were amazing days
And the Gods were all crazed
And Matt admitted he was dazed


Tom is from Canada. Tom has published novels, novellas, short stories, poetry and flash in 48 publications. Website: Online Journal Website (he is senior editor/co-founder): E-mail: Facebook:

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